
Bio Plant Protector is mainly used for anti-feeding, repellent as well as killer when combined with neem oil. This can control all types of larva on any vegetables, field and agriculture crops. It is best for use in broad acre, horticulture and plantation applications with herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. 
Plant Growth Stimulator
Plant Growth Stimulator offered helps in preventing fungal root infections, and is free from heavy metal. It also helps to detoxify soil, magnifies and stabilizes fertilizer inputs and retains moisture. Some of this stimulator stimulates soil microorganisms, reduce growth, stimulate growth, increase crop yield, and improve plant health. 
Bio Pesticides
Biopesticides provided to you are mainly used to manage invertebrate pests, plant pathogens, and weeds. The microorganisms used include bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and viruses. These are certain types of pesticides derived from such natural materials as animals, plants, bacteria, and certain minerals.
Bio Insecticides
Bio Insecticides are used to control or kill some type of pest. These lesson focuses on insects that harm the agricultural production of animals or plants. These are currently used to manage invertebrate pests, plant pathogens, and weeds. The microorganisms used include bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and viruses.
Bio Fungicide
Bio Fungicide offered to you is organic formulation mainly used for the management of crop diseases. These are commonly and naturally found in soil, which makes them environmentally friendly. In the greenhouse industry, these are applied preventively to growth media or as a seed treatment for root and crown disease control. 
Bio Fertilizer
Bio Fertilizer adds nutrients through the natural processes of nitrogen fixation, solubilizing phosphorus, and stimulating plant growth through the synthesis of growth-promoting substances. Through the use of this fertilizer, healthy plants can be grown, while enhancing the sustainability and the health of the soil.
Agricultural Biopesticides
Agricultural Biopesticidesare mainly used to manage invertebrate pests, plant pathogens, and weeds. The microorganisms used include bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and viruses. These are certain types of pesticides derived from such natural materials as animals, plants, bacteria, and certain minerals.
Bio Larvicide
Bio-Larvicide is an insecticide that is specifically targeted against the larval life stage of an insect. This is mainly used against mosquitoes. This larvicide may be contact poisons, stomach poisons, growth regulators, or biological control agents. This is cost effective and very easy and safe to use.
Plant Growth Regulator
Plant Growth Regulator has been developed to improve crop production. This regulator is an organic compound, other than nutrients, that modify plant physiological processes. This regulator acts as an inside plant cells to stimulate or inhibit specific enzymes or enzyme systems and help regulate plant metabolism.
Humic Acid
Humic Acid increases the water infiltration and water-holding capacity of the soil. This acid greatly improves the soil, increases plant root growth and metabolism, enhances seed germination, and helps plants deal with environmental stresses. This acid chemically changes the fixation properties of the soil.
Neem Pesticides
Neem Pesticides work as a systemic in many plants when applied as a soil drench. The compound causes insects to reduce or cease feeding, can prevent larvae from maturing, reduces or interrupts mating behaviour and coats the breathing holes of insects and kills them.
Potassium Humate
Potassium Humate is used in agriculture as a fertilizer additive to increase the efficiency of fertilizers especially nitrogen and phosphorus-based fertilizer inputs. This humate is rich in humic and fulvic acids, which are active components of soil humus. 
Bio Miticide
Bio Miticide will lead to kill all plant hazardous sucking insect-pest particularly.It also controls other pests like aphids jassids, for very longer duration. This miticide has excellent action to protect against mites and other larvae. This is very effective and safe to use. 
Weedicide Chemical
Weedicide Chemicals a superior broad-spectrum herbicide. It works as selective systemic herbicide. It is use to control broad leaved weeds in cereal crops, maize, sorghum, sugarcane, rice & other weeds of potato and non crop area. This is very economical and effective to use. 
Plant Nutrient
Plant Nutrient offered helps create new cells, which then organize into plant tissue. Without this nutrient, growth and survival would not occur. This nutrient is found in the air and water. this nutrient is very effective as well as economical too.  
Agriculture Pesticides
Control the growth of pesticides or kill them effectively using these high-quality Agriculture Pesticides. They are provided in accurate composition to provide the desired results. These products are provided after testing for quality, purity, shelf-life and effectiveness. They are available in premium packaging materials to keep them safe. 
Agriculture Insecticide
These Agriculture Insecticides are precisely formulated for managing and killing varied species of insects in different ways. They are ideal for controlling whiteflies, grasshoppers, ant, aphids, caterpillars, thrips, beetles, etc. In addition, they are also widely used for managing bugs, termites, grubs, mites, etc. These products can be used on different types of crops like soybeans, potatoes, leeks, wheat, corn, peanuts, plums, cherries, pomegranates, eggplant, peppers, pears, apricots, etc. 
Agricultural Herbicides
We provide high-quality, environment-friendly and safe-to-use Agricultural Herbicides for controlling the weed. They can be applied to foliage or root for eliminating any type of weed or grass. They can be absorbed and moved easily throughout the target plant. They are designed to eliminate almost any type of weed or grass when they come in contact with them.
Plant Activator
We provide a wide range of Plant Activators with all-natural super ingredients for providing effective and positive results. They are ideal to provide natural nutrients and enhance the growth of all types of plants like flowers, vegetables, trees, hydroponic, shrubs, and houseplants. They are provided in liquid formulations for easy and swift spreading on the crops and trees.

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